
Finance Council

The mission of the parish Finance Council is to aid the Pastor in the administration of the goods of the parish. The Finance Council has the responsibility to advise the Pastor on all aspects of finances and stewardship as we work together to achieve the vision and goals for the parish community.

Finance Council will consist of 7 voting members. Attendance of 4 at meetings will constitute a quorum for the purposes of voting on issues. The Pastor and the Director of Administration are non-voting members of Finance Council.

If you have financial questions or concerns, you can email the Finance Council Chair, the Pastor, Father Daniel, or Director of Administration, Lisa Liedl.

Finance Council meetings are typically the 4th Wednesday of the month in the Parish Administrative Office meeting room. If parishioners have financial or stewardship concerns and wish to address the Finance Council, they should email the Finance Chair.

 Finance Council Members Fiscal Year 2024-2025

  • Roger Blood - Chair
  • Rex Fitch - Vice-Chair & Audit Manager
  • Joe Burke - Secretary
  • Debbie Barbra
  • Ken Levins
  • Michael Maliniak
  • Romina Samson

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